Bellevue Downtown Park
City of Bellevue
As members of the winning design team in a national competition for the design of a major new park in the heart of Bellevue’s downtown business core, MacLeod Reckord provided the strong landscape architecture foundation of the park. The firm continues involvement in the evolution of the project which establishes a unique identification and focal point for downtown Bellevue. MacLeod Reckord was prime design consultant for the three phases of development that followed. Major program elements include entry plazas, formal gardens, a multiple water features, amphitheater, open space, passive use areas, circulation and parking. The current phase of work will complete the circle and evaluate a range of underground parking structure options while staying true to the original design concepts.
City of Bellevue
As members of the winning design team in a national competition for the design of a major new park in the heart of Bellevue’s downtown business core, MacLeod Reckord provided the strong landscape architecture foundation of the park. The firm continues involvement in the evolution of the project which establishes a unique identification and focal point for downtown Bellevue. MacLeod Reckord was prime design consultant for the three phases of development that followed. Major program elements include entry plazas, formal gardens, a multiple water features, amphitheater, open space, passive use areas, circulation and parking. The current phase of work will complete the circle and evaluate a range of underground parking structure options while staying true to the original design concepts.