Mukilteo City Hall

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City of Mukilteo / ARC Architects

As team member to the architect, MacLeod Reckord evaluated four potential sites and assisted the City with their selection by providing evaluation criteria and site development cost estimates for each site. Alternative site plans were developed and evaluated for the selected site. The final plan was designed to LEED® Gold standards and included a ‘green roof’ over Council chambers, pervious parking lot pavement, rain gardens and an entry plaza with a water feature. Generous planting and preservation of many mature existing trees has resulted in a lush setting for the new city hall, providing a model for sustainable development within the City.

An extensive public involvement process entailed a series of public, design commission, and City Council meetings at each phase of the project. The result is an exemplary City Hall that is in keeping with the vision of community expressed by the citizens of Mukilteo.

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